Online flashcards optimised for foreign language study

Wurdle is a sophisticated, online flashcard system designed specifically for the learning of foreign language vocabulary. Using spaced repetition, Wurdle optimises the memorisation process based on a student's own, personal learning patterns.

Spaced Repetition

By using spaced repetition techniques, content can learn be learned much faster than with simple, random flashcards.

Designed for Language Study

Unlike other flashcard programs, Wurdle has been designed specifically for foreign language vocabulary

Cloud Based Technology

Content is stored in the cloud, accessible from any comptaible web browser or using our mobile apps.

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Designed for Schools and Students

Whether you are teaching a language, part of a class or studying on your own, Wurdle can help accelerate your vocabulary training. Comprehensive features make Wurdle ideal for both independent study and classroom use.

Flashcards for
Language Teachers

Language schools, teachers and tutors can supplement their classes by delivering their words lists to students through Wurdle.

Flashcards for
Language Students

Accelerate your language studies using Wurdle to manage your vocabulary. Simply enter your content and Wurdle will do the rest.